Each family must have either a bank account or credit card on file. If you need an exception, email Caroline at info@bluegrassyouthballet.org
It is understood that BYB doesn’t do refunds or deductions for any reason except in cases of documented serious illness or injury.
A yearly registration fee of $35/per dancer is required at registration.
Sibling discounts are applied to registration and tuition fees. 15% discount for the first sibling, and a 10% discount for any additional siblings.
We offer two payment options: Pay in Full by January 15th or Pay in 4 Installments (Due: January 15, February 15, March 15, and April 15)
Tuition will post on the first of each month. Payments are due by the 15th. A 10-day grace period is given before late charges are applied.
When you register for a class, you agree to attend the class for the entire semester. If you must withdraw from the class, you must notify us by the first of the month so we can stop charges to your account.
All students’ accounts must be current for them to be cast and for them to participate in performances. To participate there is a mandatory performance fee per dancer/per role.